I am so happy to be in the Netherlands, a country that doesn't have a real winter! No snow storms and no temperature below zero degrees. It's only pouring rain straight to my face every day... well at least not that cold! It's a pity, that I still haven't gotten a change to take part in any training camps abroad this winter. Luckily, I found some good options for running and orienteering trainings here in the Netherlands.
Looking back to the end of November, I participated in Bruggenloop, a 15k race in Rotterdam. Despite the weather, I enjoyed the race so much that it has boosted my motivation to train even more. My goal was to run 15 k in 60 minutes, so I had to speed up on the way to finish to fit in! and I did it!... Almost!I finished in 1:00:55 :) I was happy to be the 3rd in women senior class!
Right after Christmas, I participated in Sylvester 5-days competition. The first day, was WRE event that was held not that far away from Eindhoven. The course was 4.7 k long in flat and fast although very enjoyable forest. I had a pretty good race, with no big mistakes, pretty decent pace. I was glad to be 2 minutes ahead of Claire Ward and get lots of Belgian beer as a prize.
In February, I am going to Alicante, Spain together with IFK Lidingo. Can't wait to do some proper orienteering trainings and meet all the clubmates. It will be lots of fun and lots of trainings, really looking forward to it!